Hello, I'm Anonymous Quill and this blog, as you probably guessed by the name, is about books. I'll list books that I think others should read and some that maybe you shouldn't read, and I'll do reviews. Of course, there have been many reviews on books, so what makes this so special? I'm going to try and do more obscure books, maybe ones that are stand alones instead of a series, but I might do a few popular books. I'll give a summary of each book and I'm also going to compare books to the movies (which trust me, I can go on about how the movie is different for hours if someone would let me). I will also compare books to other similar books. I'll do a variety of genres (although my favorites are fantasy, historical fiction, and realistic fiction). I'm also going to review audiobooks, although probably not as much as hardcopy books. A different quote will be at the end of each post, and they may or may not have to do with anything in the post. I will also post monthly reading challenges, to try and get you to read something you normally wouldn't.
If you want to know a bit about me, here it is: I LOVE BOOKS. Books are one thing that has been constant in my life, and I know they will always be there for me. I don't have many friends, and I'm a major nerd and a dork. I also love to bake, write, sing, act, and hang in my room and watch Netflix. I'm apparently anti-social, and because of this and my love for writing, there was a suggestion that I should start a blog. Overall, I'm a nerdy booklover who probably needs to express her feelings more often and what better way to do that then through reviewing books?
"So many books, so little time."
-Frank Zappa
~A. Quill
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